
理工大學2011Joint-U High Table Dinner

昨晚(15.11.2011)應邀到理工大學的 High Table Dinner中演講,題目是Seize The Day。首次參加這類活動,很有趣。大學生們一次formal dress的社交,這次是理工大學和科技大學的 Joint U function。搞活動的是理工大學其中一個女生宿舍"學敏堂"Xuemin Hall + 科技大學其中一個男生宿舍"House One",所以見長長的long table有穿上漂亮evening gown的女生與穿上lounge-suit的男生同坐。
 我與另一位嘉賓Carrie Chau、Dr. Sarah Kong(Warden of 理大宿社Xuemin Hall)、Prof. Xia Jun(Warden of 科大宿社House One)、Prof. Philip Chan(Deputy President and Provost)同坐,當然有兩宿舍學生「阿頭」同坐的圓枱
這類社交(對我來說)有點拘謹,又或者席上我一個都唔識,我發揮演員比較sociable的能力與席上朋友交談......但我見學生們好enjoy!但我好高興認識了本地出名設計師Carrie Chau,大家好好傾,原來大家都喜歡啲 dark, supernatural嘢!有topic傾。
講返我個speech,我都算俾咗個good speech,咁giving speech都算係表演,而且好彩細個在Good Hope School讀書時,校裡都慣英語交談,而且GHS教的英文真是有水準的。of course畢業後才領會到啦....中小學時期永遠覺GHS太嚴太辛苦.....哈哈哈....錄了部份"Seize The Day" speech與大家分享.....

by the way.....其實這類High Table Dinner對大學生活要很重要的,可令學生有機會"實踐" 禮儀,又可廣闊社交。我見他們在校園website上載一些Table manner tips.....真認真,又好學,我喜歡。so said每天學習+實踐,生活多麼有意義!share these table manner tips here in my blog with you.....

Proper Manner in High Table Dinner
  • Be punctual. Arrive not more than 10 minutes earlier or later than the scheduled time.
  • Better stand up and shake hands with guests when greeting them.
  • Never put things other than food or tableware, e.g. spectacles, handbag, etc, on the table.
  • Do not sit bolt upright or too casually (e.g. leaning on the back of the chair or resting your chin in your hands, etc.)
  • Break the ice by introducing yourself to people around you.
While Having the Meal
Show respect to the speaker by stopping all activities in progress (e.g. eating, chatting, etc.)
  • Convey the food to the mouth by the left hand with the fork-a European practice; which is common in Hong Kong. Or you may put down the knife and convey the food by the right hand with the fork-this is an American practice which is less common in Hong Kong.
  • Do not gesticulate with the knife or the fork while talking.
  • Remove the lipstick mark on the glass with your hand, and then wipe your hand with the napkin.
  • After eating something with your hands directly, better clean your hands with water provided by the restaurant and then dry your hands with the napkin.
  • Don't push the plate forward after meal.

