
沙巴2010(1) Gayana Resort

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APA學生的influence下,以前在Zanga寫過吓blog....不過都係yahoo.blog威力大啲,加上陳文剛influence下..this is the first blog I posted...我每次出門,都看看别人blog,really helped,所以我亦同大家share我的旅遊篇吧!

每次完show我和廷都去旅行relax,有時搭船去大陸溫泉,有時搭飛機...但總喜歡陽光海灘...今次做完<小鳥>,去咗沙巴。Well....六年前做完<小鳥>,成個company去蘇梅,六年後,個個都「過份地忙」,要約都一齊去旅行,needs a lot of determination呀!

我和丈夫都喜歡寧靜, close to nature的resort。所以我哋揀咗沙巴的Gayana Resort及Shangrila Rasa Ria....但第一日去到Gayana Resort....it's good for diving, but it's not good for swimming, the beach & the infinity pool are both too small....所以我哋upgraded去了同島的姐妹resort, Bungas Raya...hotel room are all secluded cabin by the hill...gosh!!! it's so relazing & so nice!

to start with....we were on board the ship to Gayana Resort...took only like 20mins

these are the room we stayed in Gayana Resort (in a longview shot)
the reception in Gayana Resort.....感覺好cozzy

Gayana Resort不大,但有dive centre,可以唔洗再撘船就可浮潛。浮潛用品都可免費借。所有安排都好relaxing. Food in Gayana也不錯,他們的breakfast buffet不同其他酒店,afterall得四十幾間房,無謂浪費,他們provide麵包,cereal,juice, milk, coffee & tea一般食物在長枱,若你吃其他食物例如omelette可以特別order,都是免費。
the fininty Pool is really small,仲成人俾人霸晒位...but we can stay in room balcony or go diving

Diving in Gayana Dive Centre,在馬爾代夫都係一行出海浮潛就有coral睇仲有好多魚在你身邊游,Gayana也是,幾步腳dive centre裡就可見到,仲有好多彩色珊瑚,但比較下都係馬爾代夫水清d!


Aiya...can only insert 20 pics in each passage. Ok then, 先發表my first day in Sabah trip at Gayana resort....後再發表my second day of trip at Bungas Raya
第二天,我們轉到Bungas Raya...加多500RM大約Hk$1200,really worth it!酒店房依山而建,每間房都是secluded cabin(與世隔絕的小屋),call 0就好多有golf-car你載上山落山,露台見到海景靚到俾多1200都低,早上一起身就有iced lemon tea & muffin在露台枱上,你食完先去食breakfast buffet仲得。...........................

my other articles on Sabah

1. 沙巴2010(1) Gayana Resort (you're reading it)
2. 沙巴2010(2) Bungas Raya
3. 沙巴2010(3) Shangrila Rasa Ria

